Sunday, April 29, 2007

Week 20

Well, you would never have guessed, that week 20 involved drinking games with pregnant women! HEHEH. We went down to see Kevin and Darlene' new house, and were sitting out back on their patio. Kevin was so proud that he could balance his beer on Darlene's of course I had to try on Val! Now there's a lot of talent between those two! (I'm guessing this looks a little "white trash"?hehehehehe)
In case I havent mentioned it, Darlene is 2 weeks ahead of Val, with twins! So of course, I'm there to help keep Kevin sane, which usually has to do with beer...lots of it! heheheh!

Here's a great picture of the best friends, and their bellies!

I don't think Val could be any happier, with the fact that she and Darlene get to experience this together. Two best friends, both going through one of the best times of their lives, together! Val just gets all giddy knowing that the Daubert and Sulivan kids will grow up together, and hopefully be best friend!
And the fact that she has two other close friend, Kate and Kelly, who both have little new born girls, makes the whole package complete! Look out world, theres some beautiful little girls coming your way!

I'm feeling well and can feel the little one moving around in there more and more. The doctor says that 10lbs in 20 weeks is "text book." Not sure if I'm quite a "text book" example, but so far, so good. Mike has been a model husband! He rubs my feet and gets me snacks when I'm hungry, which is quite often It has also recently been pointed out to me that he wins the Best Husband award because he brought me flowers at work when we found out we were having a little girl and he started this blog. I completely agree!!!!! He's the best, but I already knew that.

I can't believe that Darlene and Kevin moved. Especially right now...but they did it. They have a fabulous new house in South Austin and it's perfect for lots of kids. Mike helped Kevin move the heavy furniture around while D and I caught up and chit-chatted about our eating habits, work, etc.

This week I'm in the full blown nesting stage. And you guys thought I was organized before!! You ain't seen nothing, yet! We've reorganized the hall closet, the bedroom closets are almost done, and the "office" is about ready to be converted to the nursery. Mike has been great at this as well. I've been so inspired to organize, that I've even spilt out all the wrapping supplies into different categories and drawers. The little clothes we've gotten is on little bitty hangers in the newly empty closet, and the garage sale pile is also growing. But don't worry Mom and Dad (Daubert), there will still be plenty to do when you come visit in May :-).

Till next you! Val

"Whats going on in the Daubert Incubator!"
Look out, blossoming curves ahead! You are a goddess. You may feel more physically and psychologically adjusted to the pregnancy now. Your fuller hips and breasts can make you feel more feminine and desirable, even sexy. Where you want to take this newfound voluptuousness is entirely up to you.
Your Baby
your child will be as hairy as a coconut. Relax, as most of the fuzz will disappear by the time your child is born. Hair sprouts on his head and eyebrows, and brown fat forms in his neck and chest. These will keep him warm when it's cold.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Sonagram Video

Introducing the next AMERICAN IDOL! Ok, so maybe its not as exciting as watching that idiot Sanjaya try to sing, or dress, or comb his own hair! But hey, ya gotta admitt, THIS IS COOL!

So click on the link below to see the latest Sonagram. Its amazing what you can see, from the spine, to the fingers, eyeballs, etc. Pretty amazing! It kind of long, so grab some popcorn, a soft drink, maybe a beer.....

Cant wait to show this to our daughter, on her 21st birthday, in front of all her friends, family...whahahahhahaha....

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

It's a Girl!!!!

And the heaven opened up and sent an angle to earth! A baby princess for the Daubert family!
WOOOOHOOOO! We found out this morning, that we are having a baby girl. We had another sonogram, shes very healthy, only 10 ounces right now. We still have not picked out any names yet, seeing we were all 100% sure it was a boy. Val is flying high as a kite right now, looking forward to teaching our daughter ballet and girly stuff! Me, im going to teach her to box! Sugar and spice...and a great right hook!!! Look out boys!

Here are pictures from the sonogram. You can see fingers, toes, a good profile, and umm..umm..ummmm....girly parts.....teheheheheheh!
I am copying the VCR tape they gave us of the sonogram, so this weekend we will have a video to show too!
Click on the pictures to see them larger.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

COUNT DOWN! 2 days and counting

Ok, so this tuesday, April 17th, we will find out if we have Brett Favres replacement on the Packers, or the next lead in Swan Lake!
We are very excited, actully had hard time sleeping this weekend! I know your suppose to say "I dont care what the sex is", but I think both Van and I have our fingers crossed for opposite sides of the coin flip! Hey, by the time she's 24, the NFL might have girls on the rosters! WOOHOOO!

We spent the weekend cleaning out my office at the house, to make it into a baby room. We threw out alot of crap, and theres still more to go. We have alot of toys already for the kiddo, but there sre some that IM NOT SHARRING! heheheheheh!!!

Not sure if we have said this yet, but all of Vals friends she grew up with are having kids, all within a year apart. Darlene is pregnant with TWINS, lord help us all, Kate had a baby girl a couple months ago, and we just baptised Kelly's little girl last weekend. So eveyrone has either gone through the "Gauntlet", or in training! So next summers BBQ are going to be a blast, with little ones everywhere. Can't wait!

Ok, so everyones been asking about names, names, names, and names! Shesh...Well, after alot of thought, and sould seraching...we have decided that, if its a boy...

THOR DAUBERT-booy ya! Come on, a good tough Norse name! Whens the last time you heard a kid named Thor getting his butt kicked? Huh? Huh...heck no! That kids going to be tough!

And a Girl...well..still up in air on that stay tooned!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Week 18

Ok, week 18, holy cow does time fly! Things are going great though, Val is feeling good, no sickness and her energy has come back finally. Val went out and got herself a Body Pillow that is suppose to allow her to sleep on her side. Heres a picture of it. It so big, I feel like theres another MAN IN OUR BED! I call the pillow "Alejandro, her pillow lover"! heheheheheheheh Its kind of hard to see, but its in a C shape that goes around her! What ever makes here happy!

Next week, the 17th we go in to find out the SEX of the baby!! Whoo hooo! Stay tuned, same bat time, same bat channel!

Ok, so this is what they say is going on in the DAUBERT INCUBATOR!

Your child is flowering. She's just big enough to cradle in the palm of your hand. She's collecting meconium in her bowel, from all the amniotic fluid she's swallowed, shedded cells, and digestive secretions. This tarry waste will be her first poop. (whoohoo...go little buddy!!!!)
Your Body
By crowding your stomach and pushing it into the esophagus, your uterus wreaks havoc with digestion. Among the surprises: heartburn, constipation, and hemorrhoids. These swollen veins in your rectum can be extremely uncomfortable and itchy. Find relief by taking warm baths. Avoid constipation: Drink lots of water and add fiber to your diet.

Notes from Val: We will finally find out in less than 7 days if we are having a girl or a boy! We are very excited to finally know! Can't wait to picture what her or his life will be like in this day and age. My tummy is sticking out and my butt and legs feel strange, not weak, but not strong either. But, I'm just glad I finally have some clothes that fit! Kate gave me a bunch of her cute outfits and I also finally had time to go to Old Navy Maternity :-). For those of you who know that digestion is very important, my digestion is getting better. I NEED to get out there and do some exercise to keep up with my health and the baby's too. Mike has been very supportive and has been taking lots of pictures of my belly, which I'm sure he'll show you soon. He's going to be a great dad! (already is) Till next week...

Friday, April 06, 2007

Nine Months and Counting.........

WEEK 17.....
Ok, so we get a email every week from that tells us whats going on in Valeries little belly! Well, get ready to get TOO MUCH INFO you would ever need!

Your Baby
Like an onion, your baby's organs and networks are full of layers. Existing structures become more developed. As his body straightens, his kidneys move into place. The heart circulates blood while the placenta carries out respiration, digestion, and waste removal. After birth, these duties will be performed by the lungs, digestive system, and kidneys.)
Your Body
Your nose may feel stuffy or congested and your mucous membranes may swell, making it harder for you to breathe. Due to changing hormone levels, allergy symptoms may feel worse.