Wow, OK so it's been sometime since the last post, but we have been super busy! Grandma and Grandpa Daubert came down last week for a visit. It was great to see them, and of course we put them to work right away! ha.
Mom went with Val and the girls (Darlene and Kelly) on Saturday shopping at all the baby stores. Mom surprised us with getting us our baby stroller! Thank you so much Mom and Dad!
So while the girls where playing, the boys went to work. We painted the baby room a really nice pastel yellow. We are going with all pastel colors in the room. We even found a perfect fan that we based the colors on. We painted the doors pastel colors to match the fan. Val just loves it! It was a lot of work, but we want the room to be perfect for our little princess!
And then of course, we got to put together the baby crib. It was easier than I thought. It looks so precious in the room. Of course, Val had us moving the crib from wall to wall till she found the perfect spot.
And then we have MOTHER'S DAY!
So both Mom and "Mom to Be" got a big bouquet of flowers!
Memoirs from Mommy!
The past four weeks have gone by very fast. Between taking my last work trip, figuring out what to register for (thank you Kate and Kelly for all your input and advise), and visiting with Sally and Jack, I don't know where all the time went. I've also gotten A LOT bigger lately. I gained 8 pounds in 4 weeks!! I was a bit shocked, but the doctor said I was right on track.
Natalie is active and swimming around all day. She reminds me every once in a while that she's there and she's hungry. (Of course, I'm hungry too...I'm just glad I have my cute little fridge in my office with all kinds of snacks and milk -- yes, mom, milk.)
The nursery is looking great! We (well Mike) would have been working for a lot longer if we didn't have Sally and Jack here to help. They were great! And I love the colors. The crib is also very cute and all set up ready for a mattress, bedding, and a little baby girl. I'm so glad that Mike is an artist becuase I would have never thought of the cute color combinations he put together on the walls and doors! Mike is going to be such a great dad and our kid is going to have the best art projects ;-) .
This weekend Tio Carlos and Tia Cristy will be coming to Ausitn. We are also looking forward to spending some time with them and also getting an extra day off next week for Memorial Day.
And now notes about the INCUBATOR!
Week 24 of 40
Itchy and Scratchy
Right now, you may be suffering from minor ailments. Whether you're itchy, scratchy, or achy, this time is full of hiccups, burps, and other cramps and interruptions. Keep your eyes on the prize, and remember: these annoying symptoms are signs of a healthy, developing pregnancy.
Your Baby
Your child's organs and tissues are growing, with the biggest gains in muscle and bone mass. Her bones, organs, and blood vessels are visible beneath her thin and transparent skin.
Your Body
Your uterus is the size of a soccer ball. You may have pains down the side of your tummy, or along the sides of your lower abdomen from stretched ligaments. The skin over your abdomen may be stretched and dry and itchy, too. As the uterus presses on major blood vessels, the blood supply to your legs slows down, causing cramps when you stand, sit, or lie down for long periods.