Sunday, October 21, 2007

Costume Time

So it was Abigails 1 year birthday on Saturday, and all the scarry monsters came out to play!

I think the pictures speak for themselves!

Friday, October 12, 2007

7 Weeks Old

Happy Birthday to Natalie! We are at 7 weeks old now, and doing great. She is changing every day! Every morning we find something new. She is keeping her eyes open, and starting to recognize us. She still has the giggles -- that makes Val start giggling. We are starting to see smiles a lot more, not just after a good poop either! She's holding her head up, and actually tracking objects. She goes through growth spurts, sometimes sleeping 3-4 hours, and then back to every two hours for feeding. Hey, its her world, we are just visiting! heheheheh
Grandpa and Grandma Daubert have been down for the last week, and I think Grandma has put her down 7 days...hehehehe. We have some great pictures of Natalie sleeping on Grandmas chest, with Grandma sleeping in the chair. Priceless!

Val is doing great, she's going to a fitness training class down at a local park called Shape, Rattles, and Stroll. All for Mommy's and babies, and the strollers. She's loving it!
My "vacation" ends on Monday...starting the new job as Art Director for Sony Games here in Austin. Not sure if everyone has heard, but I shut down the Animation Farm two months ago to focus more on Val and Natalie. I got a call from Sony later that month wanting to talk. So everything turned out great. I'm super excited about the studio, and I will be in charge of STAR WARS and DC Comics Online video games. Whoo hoo! Now I have a reason to wear my cape to work! hehehehe.

Here are some more great pics!
This one I call "Hey Dad, I pooped!"

And now notes from MOMMY!
We are so lucky to have had so much help in the past 7 weeks. My mom (Aba), Tia Cristy, Tia Meche and Mechita, Dad (Pepe), and now the Dauberts (Grandma and Grandpa) have all taken a turn in staying with us and lending their expertise. I never thought having so many people in the house all in a row would be so great! Everyone has pitched in and Mike and I are very thankful. We still don't sleep more than 2-3 hours straight, but we realize it could be worse. I don't know how people do it on their own! We love our little princess and it's all worth it to see her smile once in a while. She's the most awake in the middle of the day and she plays and looks at her mobile. Soon she will be in her big crib...maybe in two weeks or so...if Daddy lets her go so far that is. We'll let you know how it goes! :-)

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Photo Op! Please, no flash!

WHOO HOO! Great news, Natalie has put on twice the amount of weight that the Doctor wanted! Had our second appointment this week, and all went great! Weight is good, and the Doc says Natalies POO is very impressive! hehehehehehe... Natalie has been eating really well, and giving us a bit of sleep. Last night she only woke twice, and gave us about 5 hours of sleep. Heck, we will take it when we can. I know that shes playing possum though, saving all her energy to test Daddys patients! hehehehe...but she just so dang cute!

Ok, so heres a couple poperatizi pics to hold everyone over for a while!
Darelene and Kevin stopped by with food too! Thank you everyone who has brought us food to keep us going! You have no idea how much that helps!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Sleep is so over rated!

Ok, the death march has stared. Thursday night we got about 1/2 hour sleep total, Friday was better, two hours tops...but last night was good. We got about 4 hours each. Not straight through, hour here, hour there. But we have great news, SHES EATING! ALOT! Nat latched on great with the help from Tia Cristy, and she fed for over 1 1/2 yesterday straight. Most she ever ate was maybe 15 minutes. But then she ate through the whole night. Have to get her schedule to where she eats during the day, and sleeps at night. But for now, we are just happy shes eating.

Val is doing great. Her belly is going down pretty quickly. Lilly has been a god send all week, taking care of us while we care for Natalie. We can not say thank you enough.

Tia Cristy and Tio Carlos came up for the weekend for a visit also, along with Danny and Saddy.
Well, cant be too creative and fun with the writing, too tired. But heres some more great pics!

Thank you also for everyone that keeps sending flowers after flowers after flowers! WOW!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Day four

Great news, Natalie is coming home tomorrow! Val and I are heading in to spend the night with her. She will be in our room all night, and if her blood count come back clean, my little angel gets to come home! WHOO HOOO!

ok, had to get some pics up of Grandma Lilly and Nat!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Happy 3rd Day Birthday Natalie!

Hello everyone! Things are going great down here. Little Natalie is doing great! She is still in the NICU, but Val has been breast feeding for the last two days! She has taken to the "boob" really well, just like her daddy..hehehehe! MICHAEL!!(As my mom would yell!)

Shes looking really good and pink. Here breathing is 100% better. We are hoping to take her off the O2 today, and start weening her off the IVs and Antibiotics. Sad news, we wont be able to take her home today. They will probably keep her for a couple more days. Val will be discharged, but we are trying to see if we can stay longer. Keeping our fingers crossed.

My greatest joy so far is singing to my little girl. Every morning we start with Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and end with Over the Rainbow. She seems to love my voice, and love vals touch. The minute val snuggles up with her, she stop crying.

Heres a quick pick of her this morning. I know she may look a little chubby, but shes really small, only 18 inches. Dontcha just want to pinch those little cheeks! heheheh
I want to thank everyone for the flowers and gifts that were sent. Val room is covered in flowers, i think the last time I counted there were over 10 bouquets of flowers!! It smells really nice. Thank you also for everyones kind words. We love you all, and please keep us in your prayers. It makes it that much easier knowing that Natalie will be surrounded by such loving friends and family!

All our love you everyone!

Monday, August 20, 2007


Thats right! Hurricane NATALIE is here! Val went into labor Sunday night, around 8pm..while we were at our last Lamaze class! how funny, huh? That night we went to the hospital around 1:30. Val was dialated 3 cm. They wanted to send her home, but val wanted to wait one more hour. Sure enough, she started dilatating 1cm every hour! Next thing you know, we are admitted, val has an epideral, and WHAM, out come little Natalie! Did i say LITTLE??

Dauberts do nothing Little!

7lbs, 2 ounces! 18 inches long. Look out world, here comes NATALIE!

LOOK AT THOSE CHEEKS!! Vals doing great, recovering right now. We are going off of no sleep for over 18 hours, but holding strong. Natalie is in the NICU right now, getting antibotics...she will be in there for the next 48 hours..sigh...but better safe then sorry!

Heres our little BUDDA BABY!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Ask a GUY about Pregnancy?

Why you dont want to ask advice from your typical male!!

Pregnancy Q & A & more!
Q: Should I have a baby after 35?
A: No, 35 children is enough.

Q: I'm two months pregnant now. When will my baby move?
A: With any luck, right after he finishes college.

Q: What is the most reliable method to determine a baby's sex?
A: Childbirth.

Q: My wife is five months pregnant and so moody that sometimes she's
borderline irrational.
A: So what's your question?

Q: My childbirth instructor says it's not pain I'll feel during labor,
but pressure. Is she right?
A: Yes, in the same way that a tornado might be called an air current.

Q: When is the best time to get an epidural?
A: Right after you find out you're pregnant.

Q: Is there any reason I have to be in the delivery room while my wife
is in labor?
A: Not unless the word "alimony" means anything to you.

Q: Is there anything I should avoid while recovering from childbirth?
A: Yes, pregnancy.

Q: Do I have to have a baby shower?
A: Not if you change the baby's diaper very quickly.

Q: Our baby was born last week. When will my wife begin to feel and
act normal again?
A: When the kids are in college.

HAHAHAHAHAH...more to come later!!

Monday, July 30, 2007

Week 34 and counting

Holy cow, we are down to 7 weeks! YIKES...guess there is no backing out now! Sorry for the delay on the blog, things have been super busy and stressful. Last we chatted, we had just finished up on our first baby shower. We made the trip down to McAllen a couple weeks later for another shower, this one put on by Tia Cristy. This was a "Ladies" only party, but I made the trip down to bring all the booty back! Val will talk more about it below.

The baby room is finally done! Wooohooo! Last thing to do is put the baby seat in both cars. Hopefully get to it this weekend.
Natalie has been kicking up a storm lately! Its great to watch Val's tummy, seeing all the little feet and hands moving around. Val says I have to stop asking Natalie to "Come out and Play"...guess we need to keep her in till the timer goes off in the Daubert Incubator! hehehehehe.
Last week we went to our first Lamaze class. Very educational. They showed a couple videos of real births. MOM, YOU NEVER TOLD ME ABOUT THIS! I kept looking for the stork, but it turned into a scene from ALIENS movie! was funny to watch all the soon to be dads squirm and fidget! We couldn't believe how long the labor could last, and what we are going we are in for. But I promise to be a great "Coach" for Val, and be by her side through everything!(Guess that the least I could do, seeing I did this to her..hehehehe) But seriously, I am getting so excited to see Natalie, and to bring her into the world. Val still looks great, people don't even know shes pregnant when they see her from behind..but when she turns around WHOA....hehehehe!
We have big news from our circle of friends:
The Sullivan Twins are here!! Miranda and Julian are adorable and even though they had to stay at the hospital for a little while after their birth, they are doing very well and have come home! Mike always said that Darlene and Kevin would be good breeders. CONGRATULATIONS SULLIVANS!!

Rubi and Carlos from McAllen also have good news.....they are about 18 weeks along and having a little boy early next year!! Yay, we need some more boys! Julian will have someone to hang out with in his "boys only" tree fort when we have parties at the Sullivan's. :-)

Even our Mexico friends are joining in! Lee Anne and Lalo are expecting a little one in about seven months in Manzanillo, Mexico. We are looking forward to hearing more from them. Boy, girl? Will they find out?
I'm ready for Natalie to be here too. I know it's going to get worse, but that is why I feel like I should be sleeping better now and getting some rest. I am getting tired faster lately and the bathroom trips are more frequent, so I think these are all signs that Natalie is getting bigger, pushing down and telling us she's getting ready to come out.

The shower in McAllen was a big success. Tia Cristy did a fabulous job and received a great response with about 40 women. We played games, wore diapers on our lapels and oooh'd and aah'd at all the cute gifts we received. The girl has more clothes than me already! I want to thank everyone who made it to the shower, especially Sally and Laurie who came all the way from Wisconsin and Chicago to be with us!
Here are some pictures of the finished nursery. Mike has done a great job putting together the furniture and putting up shelves...well, doing everything while I watch and try not to boss him too much. As soon as things settle down a little after the baby is born, (does that ever happen?), you are all welcome to visit and meet Natalie and see the cute nursery....of course, the best room in the house.

Love from the wet, but nice and green, Austin, TX.
Here are pics of the Natalies Room..FINALLY DONE! whew!

And now some notes from the DAUBERT INCUBATOR!
My Baby
Your baby's preparing for his arrival in just a few short weeks! This week, the protective vernix (that white, waxy coating that's keeping his skin safe) begins to thicken, ensuring his birthday suit stays smooth and well-moisturized during D-day. Your baby will likely arrive covered in the stuff, especially in the folds under his arms, behind his ears, and in the groin area. But it'll all be washed off very shortly after birth -- during his first-ever bath. (So adorable!) By now, your baby weighs around 5 pounds and may be as long as 20 inches, head to toe.
My Body
You may feel like you've been seeing your doctor more than you see your best friend these days. You're likely visiting twice a month now, and starting in the next two weeks, she'll probably want to see you weekly until your baby's born. At these visits, your doc will keep tabs on the baby's growth and vitals. She'll monitor your cervix to see how much you've dilated -- a sign that labor's approaching.
And speaking of labor, does your belly feel a bit lighter these days? Called dropping, lightening, or engagement, it's common around this time, as your baby settles lower into your pelvis to get ready for her big move outta there. Another labor signal to watch for is extra-thick vaginal discharge that's pink or even a bit blood-tinged. It's the start of -- excuse the yuck factor here -- your mucus plug dropping. The mucus plug is a ball of tissue that's been blocking your cervix during pregnancy to keep your uterus safe from germs. Losing your plug doesn't mean that labor's starting ASAP, though. Many women lose their plugs up to two weeks before labor officially begins.

My Life
Been pondering how you'd like your baby to enter the world? Granted, you can't totally control what will happen during labor, but you're bound to have preferences about some things, like relieving pain, who'll keep you company, and what'll make labor easier on you (a designated coach or having your iPod handy, for example). This is why birth plans were invented: So that you, your partner, and your doctor will all be on the same page when it comes to how you'd like things to go -- in a very ideal world, of course. Some women are comfortable enough with a thorough talk with their doctors and partners; others might feel more at ease by putting it all down on paper. If you do draft a birth plan, be sure to keep it short and to-the-point -- one page or less. Doctors and nurses might glaze over if they're handed your version of War and Peace.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Week 27 WOW

Sorry its been a while since the last post, things have been super busy at the Daubert house. Things at work are going great, for both Val and myself. And last weekend, our friends threw us a baby shower. There were shower games courtesy of Kelly and the girls, lots of food(Master Chef Kevin and his beautiful wife Darlene), and we were surrounded by all our good friends! Everyone was so generous, with toys, clothes, and diapers, diapers, and more diapers. Oh, and got some great insight on what to expect from all our friends who have little ones already...Butt Paste and tripplenipple cream??? What have I gotten myself into?? hehehehe

We can't say thank you enough! Thank you to all our hosts, the Sullivans, the Harrises, the McCreas, the Yzaguirres, and Alyson Fins, and Karsten Baker!

Below are some pictures of the Baby Shower.
Val is doing great, getting bigger and bigger each week. We have been trying to get walks in every night, when possible. She is still as radiant as ever, I always catch her rubbing her belly in the mirror. It's so cute! Every morning when we carpool into work, Natalie wakes up at the same time and starts kicking, making Val squeal and giggle. We both start laughing!

We are almost finished with the baby room, paint and touch up are all done. We have most of the furniture in, including the great rocker that Lilly and Chet gave us, and a combo armoire/changing table that Tios Cristy and Carlos gave us. Patrick and Kate came down from Dallas with their little girl, Sadie, so Kate made sure that the room was fully approved by little Sadie, rocked in the chair, tested the toys, etc.

And now some notes from the Daubert Incubator!

Our baby shower was great --all our hosts outdid themselves!Kelly made the diaper cake you seen me holding in the picture. She was also the MC for the games and did a wonderful job - she even did Baby Loteria (Bingo) in Spanish! Darlene, always the over achiever, had the house set up and ready, even though they just moved in less than a month ago. We can't thank Rubi and Carlos and Kate and PJ enough for hosting even though they had to come all the way from McAllen and Dallas, and Alyson did a gorgeous job with the invitations and helping with the logistics. We are lucky to have such wonderful friends!

The past four weeks have gone by fast, but I can definitely feel the extra 23lbs I'm carrying around. Today was Father's Day, so the daddy-to-be got a pancake breakfast and his pick for lunch - Fudrecker's, of course! He deserves it!

It's passed this mommy-to-be's bed time, so that's all for tonight. Love, Val

AGES & STAGES-Whats going on in Valeries Belly

"MYOB" Mind your OWN body

Once that belly starts sticking out, relatives, friends, acquaintances, and strangers may approach you to ask questions, offer unsolicited advice, or try to touch your tummy. Some women are delighted with the attention, while others feel more private. It's perfectly fine to express how you feel and say, "Hands off!" or "No, thanks!"

Your Baby
Your babe is safe and protected

right where he is, cushioned by amniotic fluid and nestled in your womb. His lungs are capable of breathing air. Waves of brain activity occur in the sectors that process sensory input, especially visual and auditory stimulation.
Your Body
You might experience mild swelling in your hands,
face, ankles, and feet. This is common, but severe swelling can be signs of high blood pressure, or preeclampsia, and should be reported immediately to your doctor. Keep your legs elevated, stay off your feet, and drink plenty of fluids.