Sunday, September 02, 2007

Photo Op! Please, no flash!

WHOO HOO! Great news, Natalie has put on twice the amount of weight that the Doctor wanted! Had our second appointment this week, and all went great! Weight is good, and the Doc says Natalies POO is very impressive! hehehehehehe... Natalie has been eating really well, and giving us a bit of sleep. Last night she only woke twice, and gave us about 5 hours of sleep. Heck, we will take it when we can. I know that shes playing possum though, saving all her energy to test Daddys patients! hehehehe...but she just so dang cute!

Ok, so heres a couple poperatizi pics to hold everyone over for a while!
Darelene and Kevin stopped by with food too! Thank you everyone who has brought us food to keep us going! You have no idea how much that helps!


Unknown said...

I think little Natalie looks like Aunt Lilly!

--Uncle Dan

Anonymous said...

Finally, we see Natalie's eyes. What color are they or is it too early? It looks like she likes being swaddled. She sure is a charmer and a keeper! Counting the days until we see and hold her. Look out Mike, Mom's coming and I claim holding rights for at least the first day, ok? But I will give her to Mom for feeding time. All our love...Mom & Dad

Anonymous said...

Awwww....Natalie is sooo beautiful!! I can't wait to see her in person!!

Lee Anne said...

She's beautiful. I'm so glad she's healthy and getting bigger everyday.
I'm sending you all my best wishes.
Lalo and Lee Anne