Sunday, April 29, 2007

Week 20

Well, you would never have guessed, that week 20 involved drinking games with pregnant women! HEHEH. We went down to see Kevin and Darlene' new house, and were sitting out back on their patio. Kevin was so proud that he could balance his beer on Darlene's of course I had to try on Val! Now there's a lot of talent between those two! (I'm guessing this looks a little "white trash"?hehehehehe)
In case I havent mentioned it, Darlene is 2 weeks ahead of Val, with twins! So of course, I'm there to help keep Kevin sane, which usually has to do with beer...lots of it! heheheh!

Here's a great picture of the best friends, and their bellies!

I don't think Val could be any happier, with the fact that she and Darlene get to experience this together. Two best friends, both going through one of the best times of their lives, together! Val just gets all giddy knowing that the Daubert and Sulivan kids will grow up together, and hopefully be best friend!
And the fact that she has two other close friend, Kate and Kelly, who both have little new born girls, makes the whole package complete! Look out world, theres some beautiful little girls coming your way!

I'm feeling well and can feel the little one moving around in there more and more. The doctor says that 10lbs in 20 weeks is "text book." Not sure if I'm quite a "text book" example, but so far, so good. Mike has been a model husband! He rubs my feet and gets me snacks when I'm hungry, which is quite often It has also recently been pointed out to me that he wins the Best Husband award because he brought me flowers at work when we found out we were having a little girl and he started this blog. I completely agree!!!!! He's the best, but I already knew that.

I can't believe that Darlene and Kevin moved. Especially right now...but they did it. They have a fabulous new house in South Austin and it's perfect for lots of kids. Mike helped Kevin move the heavy furniture around while D and I caught up and chit-chatted about our eating habits, work, etc.

This week I'm in the full blown nesting stage. And you guys thought I was organized before!! You ain't seen nothing, yet! We've reorganized the hall closet, the bedroom closets are almost done, and the "office" is about ready to be converted to the nursery. Mike has been great at this as well. I've been so inspired to organize, that I've even spilt out all the wrapping supplies into different categories and drawers. The little clothes we've gotten is on little bitty hangers in the newly empty closet, and the garage sale pile is also growing. But don't worry Mom and Dad (Daubert), there will still be plenty to do when you come visit in May :-).

Till next you! Val

"Whats going on in the Daubert Incubator!"
Look out, blossoming curves ahead! You are a goddess. You may feel more physically and psychologically adjusted to the pregnancy now. Your fuller hips and breasts can make you feel more feminine and desirable, even sexy. Where you want to take this newfound voluptuousness is entirely up to you.
Your Baby
your child will be as hairy as a coconut. Relax, as most of the fuzz will disappear by the time your child is born. Hair sprouts on his head and eyebrows, and brown fat forms in his neck and chest. These will keep him warm when it's cold.


Anonymous said...

I leave the country for a few months and LOOK what happens. Val gets a belly?! Hee Hee!!

Everybody else may have thought the little bambino was going to be a boy...but not HER aunt and uncle in Chicago. First born Dauberts are always GIRLS. We rock!

I'll be back from India in 3 weeks, so Grandma and Grandpa better bring back lots of pictures from Austin. Good idea to document Val's organizing achievements, cause I don't know how long that will last after baby makes 3!

Lots of love from 10 gazillion miles away!

Unknown said...

Val, you look beautiful. What a cute belly!!! You guys are great....this blog is a wonderful idea.